Dear Harmony Families,

This is an update to our email that was sent out in February.  Attached are some Family Style Objectives for Science and Social Studies and also Grade Level Goals to assist you in your teaching.  Below you will see the details of this program. If you have more questions, feel free to contact your Teacher of Record.

IHLA Portfolio Description for Course Catalog

IHLA/Harmony Portfolio courses offer individualized study while students learn grade-level topics.

Throughout the school year, students demonstrate their competence through a compilation of a comprehensive portfolio. The portfolio should include the grade-level work that the student has worked on and should be saved throughout the year. The Portfolio learning logs and assessments will be reviewed and scored monthly by your teacher.

With IHLA/Harmony Portfolio courses, you will receive a handbook, a submission schedule, and a grade-level outline to guide your lesson activities.

Summary of Portfolio
To complete a Portfolio course, the following is required:

  • 1 Learning Plan per semester
  • 1 Learning Log per month
  • 1 Assessment submission per month

Learning Plan

  • Submitted once a semester (please refer to the grade-level objectives)
  • Include: 
    • Name of student
    • Grade level
    • What curriculum/resources you will be using
      • Download, print, and mark the grade level goals, explain concepts you are teaching this semester, OR upload table of contents marking units covered. (Make sure this matches your student’s grade level goals.)
  • If you are doing family-style Science, please explain which concepts you will be covering during the semester in at least 1 of these categories: Physical Science, Life Science, and Earth & Space Science. (Please make sure you cover all categories K-5 to complete Elementary and 6-8 to complete Middle School. 5th and 8th grade will be tested on all categories on the ISAT. Use Family style Objectives for reference.)
  • If you are doing family-style Social Studies, please explain the concepts you will be covering during the semester in at least 1 of these categories: in two or more of these categories: History, Geography, Economics, Civics and Government, and Global Perspectives. (Please make sure you cover all categories K-5 to complete Elementary and 6-8 to complete Middle School. Use Family style Objectives for reference.)
  • Accommodations
    • Does your student have a 504, IEP or is a part of our Student Success Team?
    • What accommodations have been given?
    • If your student has an IEP (except Speech), how does your student interact with general education peers?

Learning Log 

  • Submitted the 1st Friday of each month (refer to submission schedule)
  • Questions in the learning log: 
  1. What lessons and activities do you and/or your student have planned for this month
  2. Has anything changed from your semester plan?

Quality Assessments 

  • Submitted the 3rd Friday of each month (refer to submission schedule)
  • Student assessments should show a strong understanding of concepts learned this month. 
    • Choose ONE of the following ways to report a quality submission from each core subject:
      • Language Arts and Math 
        • Assessments from your curriculum (unit quizzes, chapter tests, etc.), projects, essays, videos, photos with written log, Study Island tests, or sufficient examples from daily work to show a strong understanding of the goals.
        • Complete the monthly IRI (grades K-3) practice tests (September – May)  
        • Complete monthly Interim ISAT tests (blocks or comprehensive) (grades 3-8, August – February) for the assessment. Taking these practice assessments will be sufficient, and parents would not be required to upload additional assessments.
      • Science/Social Studies 
        • Assessment from the curriculum (unit quiz or test), projects, essays, videos, photos with written log, Study Island test, or sufficient examples from daily work to show a strong understanding of the goals.
        • Interim ISAT (Science) 5th & 8th grades ONLY (August – February)

Late Work Policy
For each day that student work is late, the grade will be docked 10%, for up to 5 days. After the 5th day, 50% is the best score they can receive. 

Use these goals to refer to when completing portfolio submissions:

Family-style Objectives
K-5 Science
6-8 Science
K-5 Social Studies
6-8 Social Studies

Grade-level Goals
Kindergarten-Grade Level Goals
1st Grade Level Goals
2nd Grade Level Goals
3rd Grade Level Goals
4th Grade Level Goals
5th Grade Level Goals
6th Grade Level Goals
7th Grade Level Goals
8th Grade Level Goals


Stacey L. Snow
Idaho Account Manager