Hello Harmony / Corvallis Families,
Welcome to a new school year. We are excited to serve you and your students. If you ever need help with anything, please contact your mentor.
In this Touchpoint:
- Calendars
- Message From The Harmony President
- Monthly Trivia for Students
- Resource Ordering
- Reimbursement
- Canvas Tips
- MobyMax Placement Tests and Quiz Resets
- Odyssey Curriculum and Quiz Resets
- Get Social
A great place to stay up-to-date on important dates is the calendar found on the parent dashboard. Here you’ll find information such as Flex submission dates, school dates, etc.
Click here for the official Corvallis School District #1 Montana calendar for the 2024-25 school year.
Upcoming School Dates:
- Oct 17-18: RIR (No School)
- Nov 1: PIR (No School)
- Nov 8: End of 1st quarter (Middle School)
- Nov 11: Beginning of 2nd quarter (Middle School)
- Nov 22: End of 1st trimester (Elementary School)
- Nov 27-29: Thanksgiving Break
- Dec 2: Beginning of 2nd trimester (Elementary School)
Message From The Harmony President
Dear Harmony Families,
As we begin a new school year, we at Harmony want to thank you for letting us be a part of your homeschool program/online education/virtual learning. We enjoy being able to assist you in your educational pursuits.
Please know that Harmony will continue to focus on implementing improvements that will make what we have to offer fit your needs. We hope to enhance your student’s experience by making our processes easier, more effective and more efficient.
Just as a reminder, your student’s mentor should be the main point of contact for any and all questions or concerns. Please do not hesitate to reach out to them!
We hope you have a great school year and look forward to working with you this year!
Onward and Upward
John Thorn
Monthly Trivia for Students
Answers are at the bottom of the Touchpoint email.
Question #1: If you freeze water, what do you get?
Question #2: How many planets are in our solar system?
Question #3: Where is the Great Pyramid of Giza?
Portfolio Submission Dates
We apologize for any confusion about the portfolio submission dates. We understand that the Oct. 4th date has passed and some of you may have been unsure when the first submission was due. Please turn it in as soon as possible. There will not be a penalty for late submission for the 1st quarter/1st trimester. You will be able to access the 1st submission in Canvas until the end of October.
Grades K-4
1st Trimester
October 4 – Trimester 1 – Portfolio Submission
2nd Trimester
January 17 – Trimester 2 – Portfolio Submission
3rd Trimester
May 2 – Trimester 3 – Portfolio Submission
Corvallis – Quarterly Portfolio Submission Schedule
2024-25 School Year
Grades 5-12
1st Quarter
October 4 – Quarter 1 – Portfolio Submission
2nd Quarter
December 20 – Quarter 2 – Portfolio Submission
3rd Quarter
February 28 – Quarter 3 – Portfolio Submission
4th Quarter
May 2 – Quarter 4 – Portfolio Submission
Resource Orders
Ordering is open for all types of orders. For all the ordering types except reimbursement, you can submit one order per semester per student. The 1st semester ordering period is July 1- Oct 31, and the 2nd semester ordering period is Dec 1 – Jan 31.
- Request Technology: This is the best place to order laptops to make sure they are ordered in case there are any hold-ups with your orders.
- Request Educational Supplies & Resources: Order all your general supplies, workbooks, textbooks, pencils, art supplies, museum membership, etc. You can submit items from multiple websites.
- Request 3rd Party Payments: Once your 3rd party vendors are approved, you can request the payment for them here. You will receive a check to pay them once it is processed. If your child is taking a full-year class, make sure to split up the payments and only pay by semester.
- Internet Payments: Use this to request up to $225 payable to your internet service provider per semester. Note: This is limited to one per family.
- Request Curriculum Subscriptions and/or Kits: If you want to purchase curriculum or other subscriptions offered through Harmony (like MobyMax, Dreambox, etc.) and use it as an extra resource, this is the place.
- Request Reimbursement: Reimbursements can be submitted up to 10 times per year – once for each month of the school year. Only 1 file can be submitted per submission, but you include several receipts into one Google or Microsoft Word doc and submit them that way.
- Request Educational Subscriptions: Educational subscriptions include subscriptions for Tinker Crate, ABC Mouse, Kiwi Crate, and dozens of other educational subscription options. If you don’t see an item listed, you can request that subscription when you request school supplies on the resource order form.
We are excited to announce starting in the 24/25 school year we will start accepting receipts dated May 1, 2024 to May 31, 2025. You can submit one request a month with as many receipts in each request. Be sure to select the PRE APPROVAL option when you request your reimbursement in the FRC (Family Resource Center). The last day to submit a reimbursement request will be May 31st, so be sure to get all PRE APPROVAL requests in by May 24th to be sure they are approved in time.
After your request is pre approved, you will need to make the actual reimbursement request.
Please also remember that all purchases over $1000.00 will become assets of the Corvallis #1 Montana School District, when/if your student exits the Harmony program.
Canvas Tips
Here are some useful tips in Canvas for Flex, Portfolio, and Homeroom courses.
Once in your child’s Canvas account, select Calendar on the left side. The calendar view shows the previous and upcoming submissions for that student’s courses in Canvas.
- You can click on the item and a box will pop up with details. You can then click on each item to go right to the submission in the course.
Also, be sure to check back in Canvas to see comments from the graders and teachers. In the student’s Canvas account, there will be alerts on the right for any comments from teachers. Or you select the course, then select Grades > Score. If there is a comment icon, you can click on that to see the comment.
- Based on the comment, you might want to resubmit the assignment.
MobyMax Placement Tests and Quiz Resets
If your child has a MobyMax course, be sure to check out the helpful information in the MobyMax section of the Curriculum Orientation. If you would like your child to take a placement assessment for Language Arts or Math, please contact your mentor, and we’ll get that set up for you.
Also, if you would like your child to retake a MobyMax quiz or redo a lesson, please contact your mentor with the module name and quiz or lesson title, so that we can reset it. Lessons and quizzes that have been reset will generally appear in the Assignments tab on the MobyMax student dashboard.
Odyssey Curriculum and Quiz Resets
Here’s some helpful information from the Odyssey section of the Curriculum Orientation for resetting quizzes and tests.
Reviewing Lesson Materials before Taking a Quiz
To review lesson materials before taking a quiz, the student would not find these learning activities in the gradebook. They would need to go back to the portfolio to find them. Once you find it, click on the details and look at the activities that precede the quiz.
Retaking Activity Quizzes
Odyssey activity quizzes can be redone by typing the activity code in the bottom right corner of their homepage in Odyssey. Learning activities and activity quizzes disappear when they are completed. To find the activity code, students can look in their Portfolio, on the top left side of their homepage in Odyssey, or in the Gradebook. Then copy the activity code and paste it into the box next to the magnifying glass on the Odyssey homepage. Push “enter” and the quiz will appear again.
Resetting Lesson Quizzes and Chapter Tests
There are some activities that don’t have activity codes. These are lesson quizzes or chapter tests. These have to be reset by a member of the Odyssey team. Please fill in the form at this link for a reset: https://harmonyed.com/orientation/curriculum/section/7430969/topic/7430979/
You can also request a quiz reset by going to this link: harmonyed.com/quiz-reset/
Get Social
Are you part of our growing community of Harmony parents? If not, please join us and get social. It’s a great place to share what is working with your family, ask questions of other parents, and receive updates on Harmony news.
Happy October!
Emery Melendez, Program Manager (emelendez@harmonyed.com)
Sarah Oyler, Mentor (soyler@harmonyed.com)
Shahnaz Miranda, Mentor (smiranda@harmonyed.com)
Trivia Answers
#1: Ice
#2: 8
#3: Egypt