Hello Harmony / Garfield County Families,

Happy March,

Wow! This year is going by fast and we are quickly reaching the end of the school year, make sure your students submit on time and stay up to date on all their work. If you have any problems or questions, please reach out to your mentor, and they are happy and ready to help.

In this Touchpoint:

  • Calendars
  • Flex Submission Dates
  • Important: Garfield Homeroom / Attendance
  • Spotlight: Spelling Stars
  • Portfolio Submissions for 3rd Quarter 
  • Garfield County Contact Information
  • Get Social

A great place to stay up-to-date on important dates is the calendar found on the parent dashboard. Here you’ll find information such as Flex submission dates, testing dates, school dates, etc.

Click here for the official Garfield County School District calendar for the 2022-23 school year.

Upcoming School Dates:
Mar 17: End of 3rd Quarter
Mar: 20: District Prof Dev (No School)
Apr 10-14: Spring Break (No School)

Flex Submission Dates

Here are the Flex Direct and Flex Independent submission due dates for 3rd quarter:

  • March 10 – (Kindergarten – Language Arts, Math)

Flex Direct and Flex Independent submission due dates for 4th quarter:

  • March 24 – (No Kindergarten Submission) 
  • April 7 – (Kindergarten – Language Arts, Math, Science, Social Studies)
  • April 21 – (Kindergarten – Language Arts, Math)
  • May 5 – (Kindergarten – Language Arts, Math, Science, Social Studies)
  • May 19 – (Kindergarten – Language Arts, Math)

Important: Garfield Homeroom / Attendance
Be sure to have your child respond to the weekly discussion post in the Garfield Homeroom in Canvas. The question is posted each Friday, and you have until the following Friday to answer the question. Doing so provides GCSD a weekly “attendance log,” and this is an important part of your child’s enrollment with GCSD.

Spotlight: Spelling Stars
Did you know that Harmony provides Spelling Stars accounts to all students? Students use the games to learn to spell in an easy and motivating way. Games include some classics like Fill in the Blank, Mouse Maze, and Word Search, as well as some fun unique games like Crazy Fish and Bink Bonk. 

You are encouraged to use this program with your children as best meets their needs. There are no expected number of activities, and students are not required to use this program.

A new Spelling Stars section has been added to Harmony’s Curriculum Orientation, and you can find it here.

Portfolio Submissions for 3rd Quarter
The 3rd quarter portfolio submissions were due on Feb. 17 and must be submitted by Mar. 10. All portfolios need to be submitted no later than Mar. 10 to give the teachers time to review and grade them before the end of the quarter. If you have any questions about portfolios, please contact your mentor.

The guidelines for portfolios are as follows:

  • 5-8 portfolio items per subject.
  • Items need to show student work, and examples could include worksheets, reports, tests/quizzes, science projects, etc.  Remember that portfolio Items should be the student’s actual work, not a learning log or description of what the student has been doing.
  • Portfolio items need to be grade-level work.
  • Portfolio items need to demonstrate student work over the course of at least 2 months.
  • Be sure that any files that you submit are in pdf or jpeg format. Some formats are not accessible for our teachers. Only file formats that a teacher can access will be graded.

Garfield County Contact Information
Here is the contact information for Garfield County school.

Sarah Oyler, Administrator
Email: sarah.oyler@garfk12.org
Phone: 435-633-3365

Nicole Spencer, Secretary
Email: nicole.spencer@garfk12.org
Phone: 435-676-1307

Get Social
Are you part of our growing community of Harmony parents? If not, please join us and get social. It’s a great place to share what is working with your family, ask questions of other parents, and receive updates on Harmony activities. 

We wish you a wonderful school year!

Brianna Webster, Garfield Account Manager (bwebster@harmonyed.com)
Denise Glines, Paraeducator (dglines@harmonyed.com)
Heather Taylor, Mentor (htaylor@harmonyed.com)
Erica Finneman, Mentor (efinneman@harmonyed.com)