Idaho Summer Field Trip Ideas
Field trips are a great way to keep learning during the summer. Below are many possible places to go, but there are many more. You can be reimbursed or place a resource order for the cost of admission or passes to these too.
Beaverhead County Museum (Dillon)
Butch Cassidy Museum (Montpelier)
Discovery Center of Idaho (Boise)
Historic Franklin Properties (Franklin)
Idaho State Museum (Boise)
Idaho State Parks (All Over)
Lawson Legacy Museum (Grand View)
Museum of Clean (Pocatello)
National Parks (All Over)
Northern Pacific Railroad Museum (Wallace)
Oneida Pioneer Museum (Malad City)
Old Idaho Penitentiary (Boise)
Power County Museum (American Falls)
Rock Creek Station/Stricker Homesite (Hansen)
Sierra Silver Mine (Wallace)
Teton Valley Museum (Driggs)
Yellowstone Bear World (Rexburg)
Zoo Boise (Boise)