Dear Harmony / IHLA Families,

This year, the state of Idaho will be testing remotely for your year-end assessment. 

IHLA will provide an in-person assessment option for students who cannot participate in the assessment remotely, whether due to accommodation needs, technological limitations, or parent preferences. All testing proctors and students will follow local policies for social distancing and use of personal protective equipment (PPE).

If you are located in a Pacific Time Zone, you will login at the correct time that has been assigned to you in the Pacific Time Zone.  We have made additional changes on our part to accommodate the time zone difference.

If you have a student with an IEP or 504, we will be contacting you with your testing arrangements for ISAT.

Important Information

  • Remember that all of the tests need to be done on your computer.  
  • NOTE: Microsoft Internet Explorer and Microsoft Edge cannot and should not be used to access the test. Please plan on using only Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox.
  • Chromebooks: We will be unable to use Chromebooks for ISAT testing this year. Due to your personal Chromebook not being managed by a school district kiosk, the secure browser cannot be downloaded. Therefore the State of Idaho will not allow you to use your personal Chromebook.

Click here to log into the Family Resource Center and complete ALL steps as outlined there:

Please complete this by January 5, 2022.

Thank you,

Stacey L. Snow
Idaho Testing Coordinator
Harmony Educational Services