Hello Harmony / Pioneer Virtual Academy Families,
It’s a wonderful time of the year with so much magic in the air. We hope your students are making wonderful memories. Submission deadlines are coming so be sure to submit or complete all work before the deadline.
In this Touchpoint:
- Calendars
- Monthly Trivia for Students
- Family Focus Fridays
- Important: PVA Homeroom / Attendance
- Flex Submission Dates
- Portfolio Submissions for 2nd Quarter
- Get Social
Stay up to date on important dates and events with our calendar found on the parent dashboard. Here you will find information such as Flex submission dates, testing dates, school dates, etc.
Click here for the official Pioneer Virtual Academy calendar for the 2024-25 school year.
Upcoming School Dates:
Dec 15: Last Flex/Portfolio Submissions
Dec 15: Last Online
Dec 20- Jan 3: Christmas Break (No School)
Monthly Trivia for Students
Answers are at the bottom of the Touchpoint email.
Question #1: How many reindeer are there including Rudolph?
Question #2: Which tree is traditionally used as a Christmas tree?
Question #3: Which US president had his own recipe for Eggnog?
Family Focus Fridays
Guiding Families with Proven Strategies and Insights!
Join us for our interactive Family Focus Fridays sessions designed to support and empower parents in the homeschooling journey. In these trainings, we’ll explore the effective use of curriculum offered by Harmony, to create a positive and enriching learning environment at home.
What to Expect:
- Practical tips for utilizing the curriculum offered by Harmony
- Q&A sessions to address specific family curriculum needs
Whether you’re new to homeschooling or a seasoned pro, this training is tailored to help you and your family thrive utilizing the various curricula Harmony offers your family.
Time: 1:00 pm – 2:00 pm MDT/MST
Location: Google Meets: meet.google.com/ckw-pyow-fyw
1/17 Odyssey
1/31 Electives
2/14 Edmentum
2/28 Moby Max
Important: PVA Homeroom / Attendance
Be sure to have your child respond to the weekly discussion post in the PVA Homeroom in Canvas. The questions are posted each Friday, and you have until the following Friday to answer them. Responding each week provides Pioneer Virtual Academy with a weekly “attendance log” and helps them have a connection with students. This is an important part of your child’s attendance with PVA
If you have any questions about the weekly Homeroom questions, please contact your mentor.
Flex Submission Dates
Here are the Flex Direct and Flex Independent submission dates for the 1st semester. Be sure to submit your student’s worksheets on time as this tracks attendance and progress.
December 13 – (No kindergarten submission)
To find helpful information about Flex Direct or Flex Independent courses, log into the Family Resource Center and go to the Curriculum Orientation. From the sidebar menu in the Flex Direct and Flex Independent sections, you will find FAQs, which include submission instructions and a submission video.
Portfolio Submissions for 2nd Quarter
All portfolios need to be submitted no later than December 15th to give the teachers time to review and grade them.
The guidelines for portfolios are as follows:
- 5-8 portfolio items per subject.
- Items need to show student work, and examples could include worksheets, reports, tests/quizzes, science projects, etc. Remember that portfolio items need to be the student’s actual work, not a learning log or description of what the student has been doing.
- Portfolio items need to be grade-level work.
- Portfolio items need to demonstrate student work over the course of 2 months.
Get Social
Are you part of our growing community of Harmony parents? If not, please join us and get social! It’s a great place to share what is working with your family, ask questions of other parents, and receive updates on Harmony activities.
- Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/harmonyedTennessee/
- Instagram https://www.instagram.com/harmonyed_/
Merry Christmas & Happy Holidays
Brianna Webster, Pioneer Account Manager (bwebster@harmonyed.com)
Denise Glines, Paraeducator (dglines@harmonyed.com)
Carly Edwards, Mentor (cedwards@harmonyed.com)
Ranya Williams, High School Mentor (highschool@harmonyed.com)
Trivia Answers
#1: 9
#2: Pine or Fir Tree
#3: George Washington