Frequently Asked Questions
What Types of Curriculum Options Are Available for a Flex Direct and a Flex Independent Course?
A variety of learning materials may be used to learn course topics and to meet other learning goals. Certified Flex Direct teachers provide 4 video lessons each week. These presentations teach the concepts in each quiz or worksheet. While you may use the curriculum of your choice, some curriculum options may need supplementation in order for students to learn the topics and to complete the worksheets.
Examples of the types of curriculum that may be selected include:
- Books, textbooks, workbooks, math manipulatives, pre-packaged science kits, project-based learning activities, and online subscriptions.
- Religious-based curriculum and learning materials are not available.
Can I See A Sample Worksheet?
Click on the links below to view the worksheet samples.
- Grade 1- Flex Social Studies Worksheet(Neighborhoods)
- Grade 1 - Flex Math Worksheet (Addition and Subtraction Word Problems within)
- Grade 2 - Flex Science Worksheet (Properties of Matter)
- Grade 3 - Flex Language Arts Worksheet (Recount Stories and Determine the Central Message)
- Grade 4 - Flex Social Studies Worksheet (State Symbols)
- Grade 4 - Flex Math Worksheet (Comparing Multiplication Equations)
- Grade 5 - Flex Language Arts 5 Worksheet (Quoting & Making Inferences from the Text)
- Grade 6 - Flex Science Worksheet (Conservation of Matter)
- Grade 7 - Flex Math Worksheet (Compute Unit Rates Associated with Fractions)
- Grade 8 - Flex Language Arts Worksheet (Understanding Theme)
Does Canvas Have an App for Submissions?
Some users have reported issues with uploading via the Canvas app. If you are having issues via the app, here are some steps for troubleshooting:
- Uninstall the app.
- Wherever you find applications, search for and install the Canvas Student App.
- If prompted, select Allow access to photos, library, and files from your phone. If you do not select Allow, the upload functions from the app will not work.
- Enter the school as harmonyed.
- Proceed to use the Canvas Student App.
What is the Submission Schedule?
Remember that quizzes or worksheets are submitted every two weeks for grades K-8. Following that general rule, there’s a lot of flexibility in how quizzes or worksheets can be scheduled.
- Customize your child’s education by matching their curriculum to the quizzes or worksheets.
- Create a unit study based on Flex Direct topics.
- Determine the sequence for learning the concepts and completing the worksheets. Students may complete and submit worksheets in any order. Quizzes must be completed in order.
- Decide the amount of time students need to learn course topics.
- Have students redo quizzes or worksheets and resubmit them.
How Much Time Will It Take to Complete the Quizzes or Worksheets?
The time required for each quiz or worksheet depends upon several factors:
- grade level
- standards that are included
- student ability
How Are Grades Determined?
Quizzes and worksheets are scored by the Harmony grading team and given a percentage grade.
- Quizzes and worksheets submitted prior to the end of each term will be included in the grading for that term.
- Students may redo quizzes and worksheets and resubmit them during each term.
Teachers at the school or district of enrollment review the work that is submitted.
- A final term grade is assigned by the school or district of enrollment.
- Grading systems vary among schools and by grade level and may include pass/fail, a number system, or a letter system.
How do I upload multiple pages?
Multiple Page Submissions
A serious issue that has been raised is the inability to upload multiple pages of worksheets within one submission. This has been occurring both online and via the app. We are currently working on alternate ideas for long term permanent solutions. However, here are a couple of workarounds to assist you in getting all of your pages uploaded.
From your Computer
Option 1
- After submitting the first page of the assignment, enter the Grades tab for the specific course.
- Click on the specific worksheet that you wish to submit multiple files into.
- On the right hand side under the comment bar, click the Attach Files button.
- You may attach as many files as needed to complete the full submission.
Option 2
- Upload all separate files onto your computer.
- Compile all of the files for the submission into one folder or pdf.
- Upload the entire folder or pdf as your submission rather than each individual page.
Option 3
- After submitting the first page of the assignment, click on the quiz again to “retake” the same quiz.
- Upload the second page of the worksheet submission.
- Repeat steps one and two until all files have been uploaded as individual submissions.
Option 4
- Transfer the answers from your student’s worksheet file into the online quiz.
From the Canvas Student App
Option 1
- Please go to your phone’s app store.
- Search Camscanner and install.
- Allow access to photos, media and files on the device.
- Read through the initial instructions.
- When the premium option comes up, please select the skip icon at the bottom of the screen.
- On the sign-in/register screen, you can just select Use Now from the bottom right-hand corner.
- Select the camera icon from the bottom right-hand corner and select Allow.
- Take a picture of the first page of the worksheet and then set the crop.
- Select next, edit the picture (if you want), and then select save.
- Select Tap to add new pages and then repeat steps 8 and 9 for the second page of the worksheet.
- Continue steps 8-10 for any additional pages for the worksheet.
- Once you have taken pictures of each page of the worksheet, select the Share icon at the top right corner.
- Select pdf and select to save it to your device or drive.
- Then go into the Canvas app and upload the pdf file.
Option 2
- Transfer the answers from your student’s worksheet file into the online quiz.
How do I report a problem with a Flex worksheet or quiz?
We’ve provided the Flex Feedback Form as a convenient way for you to let Harmony know about specific concerns with Flex quizzes or worksheets. These issues could include difficulty finding resources for a question, broken links to online resources, a confusing or misstated question, or even a spelling or grammatical error.
You can find the Flex Feedback form on the Support page of the Flex Direct section of this orientation.
What If My Child Has an IEP?
If your child has an IEP, please work with the special education director at the school of enrollment to make sure that all accommodations are being met. Please note that we are not able to make accommodations for Flex Direct course requirements without the written approval of the special ed director.