Course Requirements

Course Requirements Grade-level Requirements Students in grades K-8 take four core courses:  Language Arts, Math, Science, and Social Studies. Students are only able to select courses from their official grade level. If your child is not working at grade level, please...

Supplemental Resources

Supplemental Resources Harmony students enrolled in Utah Peak Academy will receive the following supplemental resources at no cost to the student. These resources provide valuable support for all core courses, as well as some elective content. You will receive an...

Course Catalog

Course Catalog To view the course catalog, click on this link In the curriculum orientation, you will find overviews of the available course options. If you are certain...

Tracking Your Progress

Tracking Your Progress Your progress for each section is available at the top of that page. A green checkbox will be placed next to each completed topic in the table on the orientation home page. In addition, once a topic and/or subject has been completed, a green...