Wondering What to Expect Next?

Here is a step-by-step guide on what it takes to get started.


For All States Except Idaho and Hawaii

Create Parent Account

  • If you have not already done so, click here to set up your parent account. You’ll receive a username and password that you can use to check on your children’s registration status. One parent account may be used for all students. Setting up more than one parent account can delay availability of resources.

Submit Student Application(s)

  • Log in and complete a student application for each of your children that you would like to register.

Complete the Harmony Orientation

Watch for Your Acceptance Email

  • We will email you once one of your children has been accepted. We highly recommend you add HarmonyEd.com to your safe senders list with your email provider to help ensure your emails from Harmony land in your inbox. However, be sure to check your SPAM folder periodically. You can also check on your child(ren)’s application on the Applicant Dashboard.

Your Child(ren) is Accepted

  • You can begin the registration process.


Note: your child will not be fully registered until the steps listed below are completed.

Confirm Each Child’s Registration

  • Complete the Registration Confirmation Form to confirm each child’s registration for the coming school year. Please complete the form to indicate whether your child will or will not be attending.

Complete the School’s Registration

  • You’ll complete the school’s registration process. The process varies by school. Instructions will be sent to you by email. You can also find help on your Family Resource Center dashboard.

Submit Required Documents

  • A birth certificate, proof of residency, and immunization records are required. Depending on your school of enrollment, these documents will either be submitted directly to the school or to the Harmony Registration Department. See your acceptance email or the Parent Dashboard for instructions.

Harmony Registration/School Registration Complete

  • Once all documents have been submitted and verified by the Harmony Registration Department, your child will become an official student and you can proceed to the orientations.


Complete the Harmony Orientation

  • If you have not already done so, complete the Harmony Orientation. This orientation will walk you through the Harmony program and how it works. This orientation is required before moving to course registration.

Complete the Parent Orientation

  • The Parent Orientation will walk you through the specific requirements for your child(ren)’s school of enrollment. This orientation is required before moving to course registration.

Move to Course Registration

  • Once the orientations are complete, you may select courses for your children.


Complete the Curriculum Orientation (Optional)

  • The Curriculum Orientation will walk you through the course/curriculum options available for your school. You’ll also learn information about working with those courses and the requirements for each course. You can refer back to it throughout the year for guidance. We highly recommend all parents review this each year for possible changes in course offerings.

Register for Courses

  • Register for courses using Harmony’s online course registration system. Note: your child must have a student status. The registration team must have upgraded your account to an active parent account for your child’s school in order to register for courses. This will happen once your children are fully enrolled.

Your Mentor Will Review Courses for Approval

  • Your mentor will review the student’s course request for approval to ensure that the chosen courses meet the school’s requirements.

It’s Time to Prepare for the Start of School


Orient Yourself with Your Parent Dashboard

  • Your Parent Dashboard will give you access to your student’s course schedule, help desk tickets, resource orders, and much more.

Create a List of Your Curriculum and Resource Needs

Request Resources

  • Complete the Resource Request form to request learning resources and the educational resources available for your school. Note: Your child’s course registration needs to be approved prior to requesting resources.

Watch for Your Course Login Information

  • You will receive an email with login information for each of the courses selected approximately 2 weeks after your child’s course registration is approved.