You Want the Best Education For Your Children – We Can Help
Your distance learning students can gain access to flexible educational choices, including access to curriculum, on-site classes, and supplemental educational materials.
All at no cost to you!

Harmony, along with our educational partners, provides educational options so you can choose what’s best for your child, including:
- Mix and match courses and materials from a variety of vendors
- Online curriculum or traditional curriculum based on textbooks, literature, etc.
- Our popular on-site elective program and other exciting elective classes
- Resources and materials based on your child’s interests and their courses
This is the ideal program for families who educate their children at home.
Program offerings vary by school. Additional information about how the Harmony Program works in your state can be found below.
Help Your Child’s Education Soar
Our home-based educational program is built on the understanding that students flourish when education is individualized to their unique needs. With Harmony, you may select curriculum and learning resources that help ensure your child reaches his/her potential.Â
Some students are hands-on learners. Other children prefer an online environment, and it may even vary by subject. With Harmony, you may mix and match curriculum for your children’s courses and create the ideal plan to meet your child’s needs.
Imagine being able to tailor your teaching and activities around the learning needs and styles of your children and being able to choose curriculum, books, and resources that addressed their own personal development.

Our home-based educational program is built on the understanding that students flourish when education is individualized to their unique needs. With Harmony, in partnership with our partner schools, you may select curriculum and supplemental learning resources that help ensure your child reaches his/her potential.Â
Some students are hands-on learners. Other children prefer an online environment, and it may even vary by subject. With Harmony, you may mix and match curriculum for your children’s courses and create the ideal plan to meet your child’s needs.
Imagine being able to tailor your teaching and activities around the learning needs and styles of your children and being able to choose curriculum, books, and resources that addressed their own personal development.

You want the best education for your children. So you likely have a long wish list with educational resources such as computers, microscopes, literature, or that math curriculum you think would be ideal.
Perhaps, like many other parents, money stands in the way of providing your children with all those educational resources you want. We can help. Each Harmony student receives curriculum, and supplemental learning resources based on the programs and courses you select for your child.
Available curriculum and supplemental learning materials include:
- Core curriculum
- Online curriculum and subscriptions
- Textbooks and workbooks
- Computers, laptops, tablets, printers
- General school supplies
- Math manipulatives and resources
- Science equipment and supplies, such as telescopes, science kits, etc.
- Elective resources based on student interest
- Art supplies
- Tutoring and lessons: private tutoring, music classes, physical education classes, etc
As the parent, you’ll have an active and important role in your child’s education as you take on the role of the learning coach for your children. Whether you’re a seasoned homeschooler or someone just starting the independent learning journey with one of our partner schools, having someone you can turn to when you need it comes with some peace of mind. You’ll be supported by mentors and certified teachers to ensure that your children have a wonderful educational experience.
The team at Harmony Ed combines a wide background of knowledge and experience in homeschooling, education, and public schools to bridge the gap between traditional public schooling and independent learning. And you’ll have additional support, provided by the school.

The team at Harmony Ed combines a wide background of knowledge and experience in homeschooling, education, and public schools to bridge the gap between traditional public schooling and independent learning.

With Harmony, you’ll select from a broad range of course offerings from various curriculum providers, so you can individualize the education of your children to their unique needs.
- Courses are available fully online or in a textbook format.
- You can select curriculum to meet the specific needs of your children – all at no cost to you.
- You don’t have to be tied down to one curriculum provider for all courses.
For example, for one child you may decide to:
- Select a traditional textbook format for the language arts course.
- Select an online math curriculum.
- Approach science holistically with a unit studies approach, using a mixture of both online and traditional textbooks.
While for another, you may decide that online learning works best for them.
Plus, all Harmony programs are designed to meet state standards, so your children can be prepared for their next educational adventure. You won’t worry about gaps in their education.
How it Works
Harmony maximizes flexibility for you to create a truly individualized educational experience for your children.ENROLL
Information about the program offerings for each of those schools can be found below.
Upon enrollment, an educational allowance is allocated for each student. This allowance is used for courses* and educational resources that meet your child’s educational needs.
*Course and curriculum offerings vary by state and/or school. Select your state below to learn more information.Â
A student’s allowance is first applied to required courses, such as language arts, math, and science. And then to elective courses. You may choose curriculum from a variety of options, allowing you to meet the educational needs of your children.
*Course and curriculum requirements and offerings vary by state and/or school. Select your state below to learn more information.
Any funds remaining after course selection will be available for educational and supplemental resources, including technology, learning resources, 3rd party lessons, and/or approved educational activities.


Textbooks for Core Subjects

Elective Courses

Elective Kits
Harmony Elective Kits are a fun collection of educational materials designed to complement a child’s core education and are available to assist your child in learning elective subjects at home.*
*Not available in the state of Tennessee.

School Supplies
Paper, math manipulatives, notebooks, printer ink, art supplies and more are available to help offset your educational expenses.*
*Some resources not available in the state of Tennessee.

3rd Party Lessons
3rd Party refers to classes such as karate, piano, art, etc. that are not offered by Harmony. Families may select to use a portion of the student’s funding allocation to pay for these types of lessons, based on available funding and an approved vendor.*
Not available in the state of Tennessee.
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