Course Registration

Course Registration You’ll register for your child’s courses through Harmony’s online course registration system. You’ll receive an email once course registration is ready. You will be able to access the course registration form by following the steps on the...

Student Funding Allocation

Student Funding Allocation Harmony maximizes flexibility for each parent to create a truly individualized educational plan for their children. In the course orientation, you will learn about the curriculum offerings available to students. You will select courses from...

School Changes

School Changes Occasionally, a school’s requirements may change, and Harmony may be asked to help implement those changes. We are currently not aware of any forecasted changes. However, there is a possibility that there may be other things that the school requires...


Testing An important part of public education is required state testing. The required tests vary based on your state and your child’s school of  enrollment.   You’ll learn more about the specific requirements in the school...

Withdrawing During the School Year

Withdrawing Duringthe School Year We understand that sometimes changes in enrollment are necessary during the school year.  Please contact your mentor as soon as you know of enrollment changes.  If your child is withdrawn or dropped during the school year, you will be...